Friday 8 January 2016

Is it gone?

         Love can be confusing sometimes.

We meet people, we fall in love , get into a relationship, experience the good and bad times and eventually, before you know it. You realise the sparks that you used to have is gone / faded away

Once you reached that stage of life, you actually miss the moments when times were simplier.
You miss the times where it was only you and him and nothing else. No phone, no social media no nothing.
You miss the times where he would call you in the middle of the night to tell you he misses you . But now , all he does is say '' goodnight , i love you ''

But.. the amount of times he said i love you has been countless and you already gotten used to it and it dosent mean anything to you already .

Its not that you dont love him , you do . But , the sparks and special feelings you get from the inside are gone.

Basically , you are confused. Why has time passed so fast ? so quickly ? If only you treasured the time well and actually appreciated every single moment you had with him

But now, all you have is a boring relationship with a daily routine. When you watch all those romantic movies or see the young couple passing by , all you feel is envy

Envy that you can't experience that again with him ever again.

Personally , this is how i feel sometimes. I feel sad and confused at the same time.
I love him despite being together for more than 2 years already . But still, i wish i could rewind time and re-experience our firs kiss, first movie together , first meeting , first date and our first everyday .

But still, despite this feelings. I dont think i would ever want to leave . Because I actually think , maybe, just maybe , this would all change. And everything would be back to the way it used to be.